Ecosystem Exchange Core Team

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Daryl Killin
Cofounder, NRM/Carbon

A professional forester with 25 years of experience in developing & supervising carbon, forestry & fire projects in northern Queensland. Daryl has a strong technical grip on the Australian carbon market and extensive networks, along with deep industry knowledge and insight.  


Riley Kinnunen
Cofounder, Tecnology

Riley brings a wealth of experience in corporate governance, project management and technical implementation. She hides her ecological bent behind a logical lyric she learnt studying maths and physics. Riley provides the base of our technical expertise manages company opperations.  

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Thomas Schmitz
Partner, Markets and Economics

Thomas Schmitz joined Ecosystem Exchange soon after its inception. He brings bring with him a wealth of financial and market-making industry experience in the carbon market space from both Australia and the EU.

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Michael Brand
Partner, Research and Development

Michael joined Ecosystem Exchange in 2017. He has spent the last +10 years working in the climate and carbon space. He has a strong interest and ideas on how to grow the retail market. He brings strong project development, ecology and stakeholder management skills to the team.